Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pay Attention!

This video, from moved me to think about a few things.  I know in a class of 30 high school students, that it's likely that 25 of them have cell phones and of those 25, it's possible that 20 of them have smartphones or internet access.  Why am I not using them?  Recently, some forward thinking administrators in my district have left the decision to allow their use (or not) up to the individual teacher. I LOVE that and I'm excited to try something using a medium that so many of them find necessary to their daily lives.  I had never thought about the SMS texting use that is mentioned in this video.  A class set of laptops can run into problems - but a student's phone?  SO much more reliable than a network or equipment that may or may not work at any given point!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as if you have a forward thinking administrator. I hope you give the texting idea a try. I'm sure there are many posts on the subject from edubloggers who have already given it a try so that you can find some good suggestions and some pitfall to avoid!
